Garden Buildings Ecommerce Store


Our client, an ecommerce store specializing in garden buildings, approached MaxKlix seeking assistance in expanding their online presence and driving sales through Facebook Ads campaigns. Facebook was a new advertising channel for the client, and they aimed to leverage it to reach new customers and maximise their revenue potential.


Limited Exposure on Facebook: The client lacked visibility on Facebook, missing out on potential customers and sales opportunities.

New Advertising Channel: Facebook Ads were unfamiliar territory for the client, requiring guidance and expertise to navigate effectively.

Audience Targeting: Identifying and targeting the right audience segments on Facebook posed a challenge, hindering campaign performance.

Cost-effective Campaigns: The client sought to generate significant revenue while maintaining a low cost per acquisition (CPA) to ensure profitability.

MaxKlix Solutions and Implementation

1. Introduction to Facebook Ads:

● Educated the client on the benefits of Facebook advertising and its potential to reach a highly targeted audience.
● Provided insights into the platform’s features and functionalities to help the client understand its advertising capabilities.

2. Audience Selection and Campaign Structure:

● Conducted in-depth research to identify relevant audience segments interested in garden buildings
● Developed custom audiences based on interests, behaviours, and demographics to ensure precise targeting.
● Structured campaigns effectively

3. Compelling Creatives and Ad Copy:

● Designed visually appealing creatives showcasing the client’s range of garden buildings, highlighting key features and benefits.
● Crafted compelling ad copy with clear calls-to-action (CTAs) to encourage users to explore the client’s products and make purchases.
● Implemented A/B testing to identify the most effective ad creatives and messaging variations.

4. Ongoing Optimisation and Performance Monitoring:

● Continuously monitored campaign performance, analysing key metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and CPA.
● Optimised campaigns in real-time, adjusting bidding strategies, targeting parameters, and ad placements to maximise efficiency and ROI.
● Provided regular reports and insights to the client, highlighting campaign performance and areas for improvement.


MaxKlix’s strategic approach and optimisation efforts led to remarkable success for the client’s Facebook Ads campaigns:

● Revenue Generation:  Achieved an impressive $500,000 in revenue, demonstrating the effectiveness of Facebook as a new advertising channel for the client.
● Cost Efficiency:  Generated significant revenue while spending only £13,000 on advertising, resulting in an exceptionally low CPA of £7.30.
Audience Reach:  Successfully exposed the client to new audiences on Facebook, expanding their reach and attracting potential customers to their garden buildings ecommerce store.


By leveraging Facebook Ads as a new advertising channel, MaxKlix enabled our client in the garden buildings ecommerce sector to achieve remarkable success in driving sales and revenue growth. Through carefully selected audiences, top-class campaign structures, and engaging creatives, we delivered outstanding efficiencies, generating significant revenue while maintaining a low CPA. The success of this campaign underscores the importance of strategic advertising tactics and the potential of Facebook as a powerful platform for ecommerce businesses to reach and engage their target audience effectively.

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